الأربعاء، 26 مايو 2010

نموذج اجابة امتحان اللغة الانجليزية2ثانوي التجريبي كما ورد من الوزارة

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Answers Stage 1 English 1 Practice Exam 2010
    1- Respond to each of the following situations :
    1-Could I ask you some questions?
    2-If I were you, I'd cook something we all like.
    3-You should eat less fats.
    4-Sorry! I'm in a hurry.
    2- Say where these two mini-dialogues:
    1- The zoo -a visitor- zoo keeper
    2- Animal clinic- a vet dog's owner / a customer
    3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c ,or d :
    - 1- where 2-used to 3- pessimistic 4- researching 5- met 6- while 7- life-long
    8- valuable 9- is known 10- at 11- carry 12- pass 13- have been taken 14- If
    15- explanation 16- voyage

    4- Find the mistakes ………..
    1- more- most 2- grand parents – grand children 3- are – have
    4- are – is 5- from – for 6- bringing - to bring

  2. A-Answer the following questions:
    1- They would not stay in the hotels, they would not eat in restaurants, not buy food products. A lot of business would lose money .
    2- …… because they were under the ground in hidden rooms and passages .
    B- Complete the following sentences :
    1- ……………..because there was no anti venom for the spider Ayman saw .
    2- ………………… not to tell the police .
    C – Read the following quotation and answer the questions :
    1- By Professor Jones, to Colonel Mikhail .
    2- ………… to identify the spiders .
    8- Write a paragraph. 6 marks
    Imagine you've become a millionaire, what would you do with the money?
    9- A-Translate into Arabic : 3 marks
    الإسكندرية هي الميناء البحري الرئيسي وثاني أكبر مدينة في مصر. وقد أسسها الأسكندر الأكبر عام 332 قبل الميلاد. وكانت الإسكندرية مركزا ثقافيا هاما لفترة طويلة بمكتبتها القديمة الشهيرة والتي كانت تحتوي على أكثر من 700,000 كتاب.
    B- Translate into English: 2 marks
    1- Dialogue and constructive criticism are the only means\way to solve all
    National problems.
    2-The Egyptians rejoiced\were happy because they won the Cup of African Nations for football
