الخميس، 25 مارس 2010


هناك 4 تعليقات:

  1. So + Adjective

    "So" can be combined with adjectives to show extremes. This form is often used in exclamations.


    * The music is so loud! I wish they would turn it down.
    * The meal was so good! It was worth the money.

  2. USE with "That"

    The above form can be combined with "that" to show extremes which lead to certain results. The "that" is usually optional.


    * The music is so loud that I can't sleep.
    * The music is so loud I can't sleep.

    * The meal was so good that we decided to have dinner at the same restaurant again tonight.
    * The meal was so good we decided to have dinner at the same restaurant again tonight.

  3. So + Adverb

    "So" can be combined with adverbs to show extreme actions. This form is often used in exclamations.


    * She spoke so quickly! She sounded like an auctioneer.
    * He paints so well! I am sure he is going to become a famous artist.

    USE with "That"

    The above form can be combined with "that" to show extreme actions which lead to certain results. The "that" is usually optional.


    * She spoke so quickly that I couldn't understand her.
    * She spoke so quickly I couldn't understand her.

    * He paints so well that they offered him a scholarship at an art school in Paris.
    * He paints so well they offered him a scholarship at an art school in Paris.

  4. So + Many / Few + Plural Noun

    "So" can be combined with "many" or "few" plus a plural noun to show extremes in amount. This form is often used in exclamations.


    * I never knew you had so many brothers!
    * She has so few friends! It's really quite sad.

    USE with "That"

    The above form can be combined with "that" to show extremes in amount which lead to certain results. The "that" is usually optional.


    * I never knew you had so many brothers that you had to share a bedroom.
    * I never knew you had so many brothers you had to share a bedroom.

    * She has so few friends that she rarely gets out of the house.
    * She has so few friends she rarely gets out of the house.

    So + Much / Little + Non-countable Noun

    "So" can be combined with "much" or "little" plus a non-countable noun to show extremes in amount. This form is often used in exclamations.


    * Jake earns so much money! And he still has trouble paying the rent.
    * They have so little food! We need to do something to help them.

    USE with "That"

    The above form can be combined with "that" to show extremes in amount which lead to certain results. The "that" is usually optional.


    * Jake earns so much money that he has lost all sense of what a dollar is worth.
    * Jake earns so much money he has lost all sense of what a dollar is worth.

    * They have so little food that they are starving to death.
    * They have so little food they are starving to death.

    So + Much / Little / Often / Rarely

    "So" can be combined with words like "much," "little," "often," or "rarely" to describe how much or how often someone does an action. This form is often used in exclamations.


    * Earl drinks so much! It's not good for his health.
    * My sister visits us so rarely! I really miss her.

    USE with "That"

    The above form can be combined with "that" to show the results of extreme actions. The "that" is usually optional.


    * Earl drinks so much that it is starting to interfere with his work.
    * Earl drinks so much it is starting to interfere with his work.

    * My sister visits us so rarely that my kids wouldn't even recognize her.
    * My sister visits us so rarely my kids wouldn't even recognize her.
