الثلاثاء، 9 فبراير 2010

Must and Have to - Necessity

هناك 4 تعليقات:

  1. Must and Have to - Necessity

    Must and have to are modal verbs often used to convey necessity.
    - I have to go home now.
    - I must arrive by 12.00.

  2. Have to is used for general necessity. For example:
    - I have to finish this before 12.00. (I have a general obligation to finish this by 12.00)
    Must is used for necessity which we feel personally.
    - I must finish this before 12.00. (I have a sense of strong personal responsibility to finish this.)

    Must does not have a past form, we have to use have to for the past.
    - I had to get up early this morning.
    - I must got up early this morning. This is incorrect.

  3. Note that have to inflects like a normal verb, it can have different tenses and uses auxiliary verbs for questions and negatives. For example:
    - Do we have to go out tonight?
    - You don't have to come with us.

    Must doesn't use auxiliary verbs or different tenses.
    - Must we go out tonight? (This sounds rather British, I really don't want to go out tonight.)
    - We mustn't forget the tickets. (No auxiliary verb "to do", just add not.)

  4. Negative Forms

    Don't have to means that something is not necessary, but possible.
    - You don't have to come, but you can if you want to.
    - We don't have to leave today.

    Must not is strong and means that something is prohibited.
    - You must not push the red button.
    - We mustn't be late.

    Must and have to - Certainty

    Must and have to can also express certainty.
    - This must be the ight way.
    - This has to be the right way.
